Went sch for dance and our Dance REALLI HAVE TO SYNCHRO!!
oUr dance grp's poster have been done up

Thereafter, head off to sunplaze ard 7.30pm to meet up with mak keong N MY NICK for
rmb the old cartoon , a dog with a U infront of the shirt who is a superhero dog??..
This movie is a real Dog.
I would rate it 8/10 .Its a General show which means anyone any age can watch it!
Its hilarious at some parts & lil part of touchings.
Its a plaNe!
Its a BIrd!
Its a FroG!
NO!! I
finished ard 10 plus n NiCk saw a 2 dollars note on da floor N asked MAk to pick up..So i told them if u pick up money out of nowhere, u btr spend it straight away else could have bad luck.
So, nick went home while kk me n mak trained home.So tired when i reached home..Ive not been tidying my room for days n it lOoks TERRIble..GarBAge roOm...HAven wash my worn clothes which are supposed to be handwashed for days..N it stacked higher n Higher..wHoa..
Tmr gotta work at 3-11..haa..love my job...
My next week's schedule:
Monday gotta go CE TAlk by the Youth bla bla bla minister..at 4.30pm-6.30pm
Tue:Gonna go for Dance @ 5pm
Wed:Working from 7-11pm aft sch
Thurs:working from 7-11pm aft sch
Fri:dance @5pm
Saturday: working 3-11pm
Sun: Working 3-11 pm
THe following week i planned to work....
on wed 7-11pm, thur 7-11 pm ,fri 11pm-7am,sun 3-11pm coz i planned to go tom's hse n find them play mahjong n chat chat n find sth for yun to do on saturday..