know what?!! we went to YouthPark on Sunday & oh man..Its raining heavily!
So..Jervenne & me had to resort to buying an umbrella at Gurdian! Even with the umbrella,the guy's pants still kena drenched by the splashing of the car passed by..=.=''wheee~!
afterwhich,went to HongkOng cafe & had our lunch..Jiawei,Jervenne &jason
the performance was at 5.30 put up by SSC!!
Alot ppl went..
heres camWHORIng!

cherie is cute.
Luke can become my camwhoring partner


Side View of Him~

Rey & me

2 pics on tt day with Sh only~

Pics with bestie

The Unglam scence*
The Dope scene on stage!

My backshoulder is aching now...gtg slp..
oh yas..aft sch went to gymworkout for 1.5 hrs then did some freezes practice & headead to cwp n dabao KFC with the Style Groovas dudes to the place outside Civic.
alan & de hui so EVIl..keep agitating me "hey,i want to quit from recrew,im serious"..i was like wth...trying to bullshit with me huh..always bully me even if im older than them..hee..i know joking la..lala...i want to change my blogskin AGAIN ..pls!
i wish to talk to u like last time