had breakfast with the peeps~ ya..vain wadever u say..haha..

ok! this is ME....if i rmb correctly, was taken in toilet..bored la.

ok ..on sat, we were supposed to go for a performance at tamanjurong.
daren and aloy with train in motions cool!

me 1st time with my apple cap!!~gearing up for the performance...
there were 4 of us, aloy,daren,nick n me supposedly to perform and yimin acc us~thanks:)
but due to wet weather,the event was cancelled but still, we get paid $150/4= each ard 35?
tts more than enuff to pay for transportations:)
so aft tt, we trained to buonaVista to willie's hse for some grilling session
went to a cold storage near willie's house...took some random pics again!
my apple cap + Darren's hat

bought some snacks and ice..
yea!~ we reached his house!! and seowting n jade were there already.
thanks for preparing everything

the yummy food..n oh my..willie bought food worth of over 150?!

shawn so poor thing rite..we were eating n yet, he playing..

ok ..so we played the stepup2 though we watched already.cus the dances are dope!
n daren fell asleep!haha!caught ya in action

the turtle at willie's hse..both are so NAUGHTY...if u try to reach out to them,
i think they wil try to bite u ar!

so one by one bathed n look at the fag us
so chit chatted..till 6plus.n everyone were dead.
as i've got the "travelling together" community service on sunday,
ive decided to cab home ard 7 plus in da morning.
woke up ard 11 plus n get prepared n went off to meet the ppl at wdls station at 1.15pm
there were goody bags!
well..not for me of course, its for the elderlys:)
theres rain initially but then it stopped:) thank god!
the bus which the elderly took arrived 1st and we, the ushers, went n helped to help push the wheelchair bounded elderlys slowly to the station.

there were 3 diff batches of homes and there were many volunteers too:) so gd..
so, we all waited for the life meant for the inconvenient travelling elderlys.
once each batch gathered at the platform,only then can we board the train to amk hub because the kind station officer have asked the train driver to wait for all of us to board the train b4 closing the door.:)
after reaching amk hub, we waited for the lift again.
n i realised..singapore shld build more such facilities so that this would reduce the jammed
was with both of them thru out n they are one kind soul:)

we, with the elderly whom we took care of:)
the aunty was really chatty n she speaks english too.so that makes me communicable with her.
on the other hand, my HOKKIAN sucks!
i dont even know how to say a simple sentence:"aunty,we're now taking u to eat"
how to say in hokkian?????

so, the elderlys were enjoying their food bcus i was told that they werent given such food due to the fact that they arent supposed to take in oily food,high sugar..etc tat are nt gd for their body the day ended...n we took them up to the bus..
hope alls well to u all:)
aft the community service, i headed off to J8 n watched weilong's performance for charity event.
SF is his crew,popping.
thought we would be able to go to Marina Square for our GUC practice but he had to dine with his friends.So, i went off to Ms alone..:(
most crew members came and im glad that we are chionging now:)
theres this new shop "gamepoint" at MS and i think i told u all b4 about the kiap kiap machine rite?
personally, i dont like soft toy.but this is SO oo CUte n small!
aft which, left for dinner at the food court..the nice nice laksa

left the place n trained home.
pon sch.tired!
came sch for crew performance practice
came sch.abit tired plus gastric pain now...
my facil pon sch:)
ponning ig prac ltr ..
gota rush my pp and chiong performance practice:)
president coming to my sch ltr.so byebye:)-random news