see that guy?its tecknian! n beside him was his gf who got abit drunk tt nite..

-----------------------------------------------continuing was the clubbing Ytd..
went DBL O with wendy cherryn winshere eric and one more guy.
settled down at a table and then started playing n drink..
then i went off to dancefloor and danced alone 1st..
then aft tt went back to the seat and they decided to head to dancefloor.
so followed them and danced with them.
super pek chek!
this malay FAT SHORT GIRL keep dancing behind me and then her butt bump into me!
so wad i did was i danced n shaked my butt vigorously until she shouted...
" oie.relax la!"
cool...tts wad i want to hear..
if she wants to play on,come on man..
its not my fault ..trying to be sexy huh?!
and we went back to our seats aft a while..
they went for puffs and i acc them.
guess who i saw?
max..a bboy who always breaks at RP.
he told me his underground friends are at the 2nd floor popping..
so i went up and indeed,ive never seen them b4..
hope i can see them in the scene real soon..they are real good!
plucked up my courage and danced on the platform..:D
tried dancing with a bapok..the feeling was..WOW!
n im so engrossed into my own world on the platform till...when i went to 1st floor...
i realised the club was closing
i saw 5768 also..
they are the dancecrew of DBL O..DOPE!
took my bag and then went outside and saw weijian(ex's friend)
did some catchin up and exchanged numbers and farewell
eric went home and theres stantley,winshere,cherryn,wendy,garnesh,jerffery and me to dine batkutteh!
yum yum...:D
garnesh drove us home thereafter..
thanks man! though its abrupt for me to join u guys for dbl O, still..i enjoyed..
-i feel that im distant from T..
-i feel happy tt u smsed me...
-i feel satisfied to go extra mile for customers...
- i feel sick now..eyes developing rashes..
- i dream of u and i cried,heart aching..